A Conversation with Peachy Clean Wax Bar Owner, Bridgette Brown

65dca3e3305beaae30ce756ee951f582.jpgQ: For those in our audience not familiar with Peachy Clean Wax Bar, can you tell us about the services you offer?
I offer full body waxing. So, anything from head to toe.

Q: How long have you been in business?  Did you have business experience before you started?
I’ve been in business for a month. I did have business experience before I’ve been waxing for almost 6 years now.

Q: How did you get the name?
I was brainstorming a bunch of different names. I’ve been on Google, Etsy, Instagram. Trying to figure out catchy names, then it really just hit me, and I fell in love with the name.

Q: Which are your more popular services?
That would be the Brazilian & Underarms.

Q: How has Covid-19 affected your business?
I was actually able to start my business in the mist of everything opening back up from being closed for months due to COVID-19. It’s starting a little slower because most people are still afraid to go out.

Q: Where do you see your business five years from now?
I see me owning my own building and being able to employ people that’s in the same field I’m in to be the steppingstone for them.

Q: What has surprised you about business ownership?
The Freedom you have. You still have rules you have to follow like anywhere but it’s a bigger range of things that you can do as your own boss that you can’t do working under someone.

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to purse their dream and start a business?
DO IT! You are your toughest critic and if you are waiting for the “right time” you’ll be waiting forever. Start that business, believe in yourself and have that motivation.

Q: Which woman inspires you and why?
My Mom. Because she shows strength, passion, courage, and happiness. She motivates me to be the best me I can always has and always will. She makes sure since middle school whenever we get off the phone to “study and be prosperous “. That has been stuck with me since.

Five Things About Bridgette Brown

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why?
Michelle Obama. She has a lot of wisdom that I could take in and learn from.

2. If money was no object, what would you do all day? 
I would still wax a few days out of the week because it’s something that I love to do. I don’t think I would be able to just sit around all day.

3. What's your favorite zoo animal?

4. Favorite dessert? 
Chocolate cupcakes

5. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Starting my business. It was the scariest thing I’ve done because I had to have faith in myself and trust that I could actually do it.


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