She is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer With Over 14 Years of Experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. Meet Results Studio Owner, Tina Glass


Tina became a certified personal trainer in 2000 through IFPA, International Fitness Professionals Association. She has since become certified through ACE, American Council on Exercise and continues to educate herself by taking health courses. She wants to learn as much as possible about her profession as it will enable her to help others. “I love what I do, in fact, personal training is my “dream job!"

Q: For those in our audience not familiar with Results Studio, can you tell us about it?
Results Studio is a personal training facility located in Little Rock, Arkansas. Our mission is to help people look and feel their best. We provide individualized training in a private setting thus giving people the opportunity to train one-on-one with a certified trainer. Since opening is 2010, our mission remains the same, but we’ve expanded our services that includes corporate wellness, small group, and online training.

Q: Growing up, we’re you always a health conscious person?
Not at all. I was more focused on academics instead of sports. In college, like most teens I gained the “freshman 15,” which is when I first became interested in health and fitness. My decision to get in shape helped me discover a passion that not only changed my body but my life forever. As I began learning more about fitness and started applying what I learned I became more health conscious. Many people assume that I’ve been disciplined my whole life but that’s not true. I learned discipline. I became a personal trainer to help others who struggled like me.

Q: What was your mission at the outset?
When I first began my fitness journey, my mission was to lose weight and gain more self-confidence. When I reached my weight loss goal I began to set new goals which is how I got into bodybuilding. 

Q: What are some of the reasons why women come to you for assistance?
There are so many reasons women (and men) hire me. Many want to lose weight in general for aesthetic reasons. Some have a specific event (wedding, class reunion, vacation) Others may want to become stronger and healthier. Others may be experienced enthusiasts who want help developing a new routine.

Q: I see you like peanut butter, do you ever get a chocolate craving?
I have to confess that I’m in a long-term relationship with peanut butter, but I love chocolate! Give me both and I’ll be your BFF forever. I do crave chocolate occasionally and when I do, I eat it. I honestly don’t think that chocolate or any food is bad. Now, I do think that it would be a bad choice to have it in excess or all the time if losing weight is your goal. It’s all about balance. I often encourage my clients to balance what they eat, drink, and do.

Q: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
There’s so many satisfying moments, too many to count. Some of the small moments are seeing my business sign for the first time, my first tanks with my company logo and surviving my first rollercoaster year in business. One of the bigger moments was my 5 year anniversary party. It was a surreal experience to see all of my clients, family and friends support my dream. That was the moment I knew I had established myself as a business owner.

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to purse their dream and start a business? 
Start where you are. You will never be in a perfect position to start and know that you have everything you need at the moment. I didn’t have everything that I thought that I needed when I opened my studio 10 years ago. If I would have let fear hold me back I wouldn’t be where I am today. You have what it takes right now. Don’t let fear hold you back or be afraid to make mistakes. They’re inevitable. When you go through challenges, grow through them too.

Q: What is most important to you and why at this point in your life?
Three things: my family, friends and peace of mind are most important to me. It’s important to me to have balance. I know that my family and friends won’t always be here, and life is so precious and short. When I first opened my business, I was consumed with it. I rarely made time for anything else and missed out on many events and family gatherings because I had work that I thought had to be done. At this point in my life, I’m learning to balance which gives me peace.

Q: How has Covid-19 affected your business?
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted us all and has challenged many operations, not just the fitness industry. Most gyms where mandated to close in March. Temporarily closing my studio forced me to be inventive in different ways and design new programs for clients. I quickly shifted one-on-one training from in person to virtual which was a blessing in disguise. I was amazed at how effortless it was for me given modern day technology (zoom, facetime, etc.) and how receptive many clients were to train virtually. This opportunity allowed me to create another service option for current and prospective clients. Another advantage is that I now have clients all over the US that I can provide private personal training with real-time coaching interaction.

Q: Is there one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
Outsource what you’re not good at doing. From making your own business cards to running your social media. Whatever you’re not proficient at doing, find someone who is competent. I spent so many hours trying to figure things out that I could have paid someone to do and saved valuable time.

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
My mother inspires me. She is an amazing woman who I respect and admire. I attribute my entrepreneur spirit to her. I saw her start her own business which gave me the courage to chase my dreams. She’s still my biggest cheerleader.

Five Things About Tina Glass

1. What would you sing at Karaoke night? 
Push It Salt-N-Pepa

2. What were you like in high school? 
Quirky, I LOVED fashion and would often revamp my clothes. Some of my outfits were eccentric and some thought a little strange, but it never bothered me. I loved not being ordinary and standing out from the crowd. I was definitely an extrovert. I loved to make people laugh and being around others. 

3. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
My first bodybuilding competition. Talk about overcoming your fears! The moment I walked on the stage felt like I was jumping off a huge cliff. Scary but exhilarating. Afterwards I competed in 6 more competitions.

4. What app can’t you live without?
Hardest question ever! Do I have to pick just one?? Amazon Prime

5. Favorite city? 
Paris. I first traveled there in 2014 and fell in love. I know that sounds cliché but it’s truly a magical city.


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